Saturday, March 19, 2011

More park pictures!

Thank goodness the weather is improving.  We have been spending most of our time outside.  It's so great to have a park in your "backyard".  Here are a few more pictures.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Park pictures!

Grant and I had a wonderful afternoon at the park yesterday and one of my very talented friends snapped this shot.  She is so great at capturing the little ones!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I know I haven't been as good with blogging recently.  I'm sorry!  Grant has just been keeping me super busy and when he's napping, I need to have some downtime.  But I'll try to do better.
Here are a few pictures of him at his friend George's house.  They finger-painted.  Also George has a super cool ball "pit".

Here are a few pictures of him in his new favorite hiding place.