Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I'm sure I'll get sick of it, but baby laundry is much better than adult laundry. Oh my is this stuff cute!

35 weeks!

Okay, I've been bad...sorry for the lack of updates. Last week was crazy busy and then I had my shower on Sunday. It was such a great day. Everything was absolutely perfect and the little guy will certainly be outfitted (and traveling) in style for months to come. Here are a few selected pictures

Thank you everyone, but especially to my Mom and Mom Haley...I loved it so much!!
Here is the survey
How far along? 35 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Everything...and I'm so sick of it.
Sleep: Still uncomfortable, still exhausted, but lately I wake up at like 3 am and make lists in my head of all the things I still need to do...not the best
Best moment this week: My shower
Movement: yes, lots, though it's less kicking and more shoving of body parts if that makes sense. He's getting a little crammed in there.
Gender: boy...
Labor Signs: some Braxton Hicks...lots of exhaustion.
Belly Button in or out? still flat, but with pieces sticking out.
What I miss: celebratory drinks...
What I am looking forward to: the little nipper making his arrival and of course the "release" of the name :)
Weekly Wisdom: don't use Dr. Google, he's evil
Milestones: 5 weeks left...2 weeks to full term

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

33 weeks

The weeks do seem to be flying by at this point. I can't believe only 7 weeks left. Full term is at 37 weeks, so it could be as little as 4 before the little nipper makes his debut. We'll see. I can't believe Christmas is next week already! My birthday was great and we had so much fun at Kiku. I'll see if I can get a few pictures up from the night, it was very low key, but festive. Fun times. Eamonn and I went out on my actual birthday as well and had a great meal at the 340 Grill. So I've been pretty celebrated already. So far 30 feels good. We got a new rug for the baby's room, so I've added a picture. It's pretty much done at this point...we need another wall decoration and I need to get his pillows done but that's about it. It's ready and so am I. I am so thankful to still be feeling good, but the anticipation is a little stressful.
Here is the survey
How far along? 33 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Everything...and I'm so sick of it.
Sleep: Actually getting a little bit better...either my hips are getting used to the pain or I'm just so tired it doesn't matter anymore.
Best moment this week: All my birthday celebrations...I'm pretty sure the little nipper would agree, he seemed to enjoy himself.
Movement: yes, lots, though it's less kicking and more shoving of body parts if that makes sense. He's getting a little crammed in there.
Gender: boy...
Labor Signs: nothing at this point, thankfully!
Belly Button in or out? still flat
What I miss: celebratory drinks...
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!
Weekly Wisdom: don't use Dr. Google, he's evil
Milestones: 7 weeks left

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

32 Weeks and 6 days left of my 20s

32 weeks! We're really getting there now. I had a doctors appointment this morning and the little nipper is looking good. He gave me a bit of a scare since I'm measuring a little bit small, but he's doing just fine (though definitely not going to be a 9 lb baby). On the plus side I got a bonus ultrasound and got to see him stick his tongue out at us and wave. He's already 4 lbs and apparently has an attitude about scaring his mom...oh well. We went to the Knicks/Nets game on Sunday and wow, I've never felt him get so excited. All the sounds must have kept him up because he was quite active the whole game. Thanks again Jeff for the tickets, we had such a great time!
Here is the survey
How far along? 32 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Pretty much everything, The non-maternity shirts I still wear are getting too short, so not really working anymore.
Sleep: I still love it, but it's a little uncomfortable.
Best moment this week: Finishing his hat! And seeing the little guy again!
Movement: yes, lots
Gender: boy! reaffirmed today, definitely still a boy
Labor Signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? I would say flat at this point. Not in or out.
What I miss: my clothes and turkey sandwiches
What I am looking forward to: My Birthday...
Weekly Wisdom: Relax!
Milestones: 8 weeks left

Friday, December 4, 2009

1st knitting project

I'm so proud of myself, I just had to show pictures of the knit hat I made the little nipper. I think it came out really cute.