Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 weeks old!

The Grant-man is 6 weeks old (and 3 days actually). He's really enjoying tummy time more and more lately and I swear he's getting ready to roll over. He swings his legs and gets up on one side pretty often. I'm very impressed. He also officially fits in all his 0-3 month clothes, which is very fun for me because I get to get him dressed. Grant and I have had a good week so far, with a lunch date on Monday with Shayna and Jake and then a play date today with Nancy and Thomas. He's very good at making friends :). Here are some new pics.

Fun monkey outfit...getting ready for action

Pulling up....

Hi Mom!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy late Valentine's day and success with the Baby Bjorn

Grant had a great Valentine's day at Grandma DeGeorgia's house, he had an adorable V-day outfit from Grandma and Judge Haley. Here's a picture of us!

We also realized that Grant enjoys sleeping in his car seat, even when it's not in the car. This is amazing as he will sleep in it at night for 2-2 1/2 hours at a clip, allowing Eamonn and me to sleep!

This week, we made some new friends at the new mom's group at the hospital across the street. We already have a playdate set up for next monday, very exciting stuff. Today I went out with him for the second time alone in his Baby Bjorn, which was definitely a success. He knocked right out as soon as i put him in it (bundled up appropriately of course). I was able to get to the store to buy some bread and make lunch for myself while he was sleeping and my hands were free.

He's also been enjoying the play mat that he got from Aunt Ro, I snapped some shots of him enjoying staring at himself in the mirror. I'm pretty sure he's thinking "oh, who is this handsome fellow".

Saturday, February 13, 2010

5 weeks old and this is how my baby sleeps

Grant is 5 weeks old! He's getting bigger and stronger and definitely more fun. This morning he sat in his chair while Eamonn and I ate breakfast and actually interacted with the toys that hang on the top of it. AND then he fell asleep. Pretty awesome. It's amusing how this kid will fall asleep, sometimes he needs to be swaddled..

And sometimes he fights it and wants to sleep like this..

Oh well, as long as he sleeps, I don't care! Also he went from 10:45-3:45 last night with no feeding...that was like 4 hours of sleep for me! Yay! Unfortunately he was sleeping on Eamonn in the living room, rather then in his chair or crib, but hey, I'll take the sleep how I can get it. In other news, all his cute newborn hair is falling out and he has the hairline of an old man at the moment. All bald on top and still long on the sides and back. Hopefully it will even out soon. I also caught this cute moment this morning when Grant was hanging in our bed. Pretty adorable.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

1 month old!

Today is Grant's 1 month birthday. He had a doctor's appointment today and we have an 8 pounder on our hands...very exciting stuff! His official stats are 8 lbs even, 19.5" long and 36cm head circumference. We had a good well visit and he got his hepatitis vaccine, but took it like a champ. Well done, I'm so proud. I got some shots of him with his 1 month sticker on, plus a rare shot of the two of us (I basically have none of us together).

Saturday, February 6, 2010

4 weeks old!

I can't believe Grant is already 4 weeks old...crazy. I was just saying to Eamonn I can't believe it's February (and already the 6th even). It feels like time has stood still since he was born. We have his 1 month doctor visit this week on Tuesday, so we'll get the full height/weight update. In other news, Eamonn gave him his first bottle today, which went pretty well. He seemed to take it okay. Here are some fun pictures for your viewing pleasure.
First bottle with Eamonn
Tummy time...Grant likes it!
Hanging with Grandma (the life-saver!)