Monday, March 29, 2010

11 weeks old!

So I've been really really trying to get a video of Grant rolling over. He's done it like 3 or 4 times today. Two times I wasn't trying to capture it and once I had just put the camera down and he did it. Eventually I will get it, promise! In other developments he is just so much more mobile these days...kicking his feet in the air and punching his arms. It's so much fun (but also dangerous, he's surprisingly strong)! He also really enjoys standing up on my thighs whenever I'm holding him up on my chest. The days of my little snuggler to sleep are gone. He'll still sleep that way if he's really tired or was already asleep. It's actually a little sad. Time is flying by and he's growing up so fast already...
Here are two new pictures of the Grant man.

Already having serious conversations with Dad...
Holding his head up high to say "I love to pose for the camera"!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

1 more first

and we're rolling...tummy to back! I'll try to get a video

Week of firsts!

Grant has had a very big week....actually big couple of days. Thursday brought his first Wake tournament game and his first night in his crib! How exciting to reclaim our bedroom. It went pretty well, we're hoping that it will continue. Saturday he had his first picnic and his first time in the Bumbo baby seat. He slept through the picnic and seemed to like the seat. Sunday he took his first ride in the real car seat for this big boy! Anyways, here are the pics.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Grant enjoyed his first St Patrick's day with his first beer...just kidding. He did enjoy our baby yoga class today, which was pretty hilarious. A lot of the babies cried though and Grant was quiet and smiling the whole time. It might be worth going back just for the fun of watching him. Hope everyone had a good day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm a big boy!

Grant had his 2 month appt at the Dr today. He's 11 pounds, 21 3/4" long and 38 cm head circumference. All good growth...he's clearly a good eater as he gained 3 lbs in 1 month! He got 1 shot and 1 oral vaccine. He was a pretty good sport about it. Also Eamonn and I really liked the doctor we saw this time. There's a couple in the practice and so far we've liked 2 out of 3, not too bad. We've also really been enjoying this nice weather...lots of good walks and sitting in the park. That's it for today!

Monday, March 8, 2010

2 months old!

I can't believe Grant is two months old already! It's crazy how time is flying. We had a really great weekend with Grant. He's really starting to smile more and be a lot more active. No rolling over seems like he's on the brink of it, but we'll see I guess. We enjoyed Saturday out of town at my mom's house to avoid the drunken mess that Hoboken turns into. It was a beautiful day and Grant had a nice long walk in the suburbs. Not too much else to report...we are debating trying to bring him out to dinner for Eamonn's bday on Tuesday. He's really usually a good sport, but when he's not, it's not too fun. I guess we'll wait and see. Also he has his two month dr appt on Wednesday, so I'll have his new weight/length/head circumference to share. He's so much bigger than 1 month, crazy! Unfortunately he'll also be having a few shots, but oh well. I think that's about it. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Monday, March 1, 2010

7 weeks old

Grant is 7 weeks old and 2 days. I have yet to capture it on film, but he actually smiled at both me and Eamonn in the past week. It's pretty awesome to have him look you in the eye and smile like he knows who you are. Even if it turns to a cry it's still pretty great. Also on Saturday night he slept for 5 1/2 hours. Amazing! We're hoping sometime soon we'll get a replay of this because it was so restorative for us. We need it! In other news we have a new car. We got a Ford Escape. Here's a picture of Eamonn with the new wheels.

It was very necessary for us to get a new car since the 2 door civic was no longer suiting our needs. Now Grant's car seat fits better and we can carry everything we need. Also it's not a stick so I can drive it! I'm looking forward to getting behind the wheel.

On Sunday we went to visit my Dad. Now that Grant is old enough it was time for him to meet his Grandpa DeGeorgia. The visit went well for all, thankfully. I know my Dad was very excited to meet him.