Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Scenes around town

Here are just a few random photos from our everyday stuff.

Park days (not too many of these this winter)

Parker's friend Christian

Enjoying the setup for the Super Bowl at Pier A Park

 Snow day!

Grant's 100th day of school project.

 Tae Kwon Do

Please touch museum

 Crazy kid!


Wrapping Parker's first year up...

Parker turned one on February 23.  I have this amazing book that I made for Grant when he turned one of all the blog posts from his first year.  It is so fun to have and he loves looking through it.  I am sorry to say for Parker that his will be much smaller.  I do want to make it anyway though.  This is like their baby book and I don't want Parker to feel sad that there's not as much documentation of his baby days! So that being said, here are the pictures from his birthday party.  It was a great day, unseasonably warm and relaxing.  Delicious food and lots of german beer.  I mean a beer garden is a traditional place for a first birthday right?!