Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Second child syndrome

Poor Parker.  He is already 7 weeks old and hasn't even gotten a blog post yet.  I hear this is what people call the "second child syndrome" (I wouldn't know, being a first child and all).  I have taken some pictures, but not a ton.  I think I need to be better at it or the poor child will think he was neglected as an infant.  Don't worry, he's not being neglected!  So far he's been a very well behaved baby and a great addition to the family.  He just started smiling in the past week or two (see I don't even remember the date!), which is awesome and he's getting stronger and bigger every day!  Here are some pictures with evidence :)

In the hospital

First days home

Back to the hospital for jaundice, getting his tan on under the lights.


Promise no babies were harmed in these two pictures!

 Promise no babies were harmed in these two pictures!

Grant's first dentist appointment (the first child still gets to make an appearance, clearly)

Easter egg hunt

Showing off during tummy time



Very true...

Grant's first Rita's of the season

A picnic with tons of babies!  (3 sets of twins born within a week of each other in attendance)

Snuggles with Uncle Jeff

Pushing Kate and Miles with Claire

Park time with Samantha (geez Parker isn't even in these pics)

Getting big!

In jail at a playdate at Caitlin's house...needed to keep him away from two 9 month olds and a dog!  Not to mention the 3 year olds.