Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We have a sitter

It seems like the last few weeks have been filled with new developments...the rolling, the crawling and now the sitting.  Crazy stuff I can't believe Grant is doing already.  We've also been very busy, with visits from some of my friends from college, playgroup and hot weather.  Last night we had a blackout for about an hour.  Luckily there was a nice breeze so it didn't get too hot in our apartment.  Today we have a picnic in the park, so we'll get to try out our new picnic blanket, I'll try and snap a picture.  I guess I wasn't too snap happy this week, so I only have two pictures...but they're good ones.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grant crawling!

So I don't know, but it seems like 5 1/2 months is too early to crawl...check out what Grant has been doing for the past week.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweet potato success

Today was a big day for the Grant man. Sweet potatoes! He seemed very nonchalant about the whole ordeal. Like, "so what mom, these are tasty, but I expect nothing less". I got a few shots of him enjoying them. I took a quick taste as well, pretty good for something that has no seasoning.

We also had a great weekend visiting with my Uncle Mike on Saturday and celebrating Father's day on Sunday with Grandma and Judge. I also have a picture of some of Grant's buds from playgroup. It was a really nice week.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Drive by cuteness...

Just thought I'd post some cute pictures...nothing too exciting to say around here this week. I am hosting playgroup for the first time on Thursday, so I'm pretty busy getting that together. I think it should be nice. Hope everyone's having a good week!

Grant finally knocking down the monitor...ah sweet success
A few good smiley pictures!

Half wet, towel Grant!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back from the Doctor

Well we're back from the doctor. Grant got two shots and an oral vaccine...he's napping now, so fingers crossed he'll be a happy boy this afternoon. He was 14 lbs, 13 oz and 24" long. We got the okay to start vegetables with him in addition to the rice cereal, so that should be fun. Otherwise the visit was fairly uneventful. Afterward we went to pick up some generic tylenol since Infant Tylenol was recalled a few months ago.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy 5 months old!

I can't believe Grant is 5 months old today. Almost half a year. Crazy!! We have our doctor appointment tomorrow so I'll have his stats update then. Unfortunately we're up for some more shots. Boo! Grant didn't cry much when he got the shots last time, but was pretty uncomfortable in the afternoon. Hopefully he won't be too unhappy. Here are some fun facts about Grant at 5 months...
-He can roll over both ways, from stomach to back and back to stomach. He loves being on his stomach because he can sort of scoot around. He sticks his butt up in the air and pushes off...I have a feeling he'll be an early crawler because he's almost already there.
-He sleeps well at night, going to sleep around 7:45-8:15 and sleeping until 6:30, sometimes later. He is sans swaddle and puts himself to sleep after his last feeding of the day, yay!
-He's working on sitting up...for now he can only do 10-15 seconds at time leaning on his hands, but I'm still impressed. He loves being able to see what's going on around him and enjoys sitting in his high chair and his bumbo.
-He gets easily frustrated at toys that are attached to something he can't get in his mouth (ie his playmat and his chair).
-He loves chatting...sometimes just to himself even. Lately he's been throwing some giggles in, which is the best sound ever in the world.

Here are some fun pictures from our photo shoot this morning...I'm having a little trouble getting more in, so here's just a few.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rolling, rolling, rolling

We had such a fun weekend down the shore with my Mom. Grant picked up a new trick while we were down there and now rolls from his back to his stomach. Unlike when he started rolling from tummy to back which only happens sporadically, he loves rolling from back to stomach. Pretty much whenever you put him on his back he rolls right over and starts scooting somewhere. I'm in trouble! The kid knows what he wants and how to get it. The weather was beautiful and we all had a relaxing time. Grant visited the beach shortly, but it was a little too hot and sunny to hang out for him. He did however enjoy hanging out on the porch in the shade. We also went to Pete and Elda's for a pizza challenge for Eamonn and Jeff. Two XXL pizza's and two tshirts later, the challenge was complete. All in all lots of fun. Here are some pics.

Getting wet...feet in the freezing water
Before the pizza
Later that night