Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So Grant has really been throwing me for a loop the past few days. I hear he'll keep doing this. Just when I thought we had a great routine going, everything is out the window. He no longer wants to nap much during the day and he's not easy to get down at night. I'm hoping this will be a short phase because I'm tired! He also seems to be working on a tooth. Besides that we have been having a nice time with our new playgroup and making new friends. We're very excited to head down the shore this weekend with Gma. Grant's first visit to the beach. Well...I hear him getting cranky in his crib. I'll leave you with some pictures.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So we're working on some changes with the little man, now that he's out of the newborn stage. So far it's been going I eluded to with the last post, we are working on getting Grant to take a bottle. For a few days now he's taken it, so we hope that continues. I'm not ready to wean yet, but he's taking 1 bottle of formula a day now in preparation. I'd like to continue to breastfeed until 6 months and since you can't give milk until 1 year, formula it is. Man that stuff stinks. In other eating news, we will be starting him on rice cereal this weekend. I think he's definitely ready, but we'll see how he takes it. I can't believe my baby is already at this stage. It's crazy!!
We're also trying to break him of the swaddle. Last night was his first night without it. He did wake up at 12:45, but I was able to calm him and put him back down swaddle-less. So we're just taking this one day at a time. I think he's ready physically (doesn't have the startle reflex), but it's a sleep association for I'm in my swaddle, time to sleep. He has been breaking out occasionally for a week or two now and then going back to sleep, so fingers crossed it will continue to go well.
I haven't taken that many pictures this week...I can't find the camera, but I'm sure it's around. Here's a few though. As you can see he's sort of half sitting already. No problem in his bumbo or with the boppy propped behind him. No un-assisted sitting yet though (he IS only 4 months).

Sunday, May 16, 2010

quick update

omg he's actually drinking from a bottle...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monster Post

Well it's been quite a couple of weeks. Some good, some bad. Grant is doing great. I can't believe he's 4 months old already...seems like a pretty big milestone. 1/3 of a year! We got the go-ahead from our pediatrician to start rice cereal when we are ready. I think this weekend will be it. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully he will be too...

On May 2nd, we had Grant's baptism. He was a champ throughout the whole thing, not even crying when Father Alex got water in his eyes. After the baptism we had a dinner at Amanda's which was really lovely. I love that place. Here are some photos of the day.

Unfortunately we also found out after the baptism that after a long illness with ALS, my father passed away.

Mother's day was great yesterday. We had a really nice brunch with both Grandma's at the Brass Rail. The food was great, even though our server repeatedly forgot Eamonn...
Grandma Haley took some pictures so I will add them to the blog. I hope we got some good ones. In addition to it being Mother's day yesterday it was Grant's official 4 month birthday, so we had a nice little photo shoot. He's starting to lean forward and push up when he's sitting back now, which is pretty exciting. I'm sure it's just a start to being able to sit on his own. He sits in our laps very well. He's also starting to reach for things (and of course put them in his mouth) and enjoy his toys. He especially likes this one in the pictures, it lights up and plays Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Nicole!

Since I can't call you in Hong Kong or see you in's my shout out! Happy 30th!!