Friday, December 6, 2013


We had a lovely Thanksgiving.  It was about as relaxing as a holiday can be with two small children.  Parker and Grant were well behaved thankfully and fun was had by all.  I also was lucky enough to attend a little party they had at Grant's school to celebrate the holiday.  Man, I love this time of year!
Here are some pictures to share.

Grant's class making Friendship fruit salad...

 Day before Thanksgiving smiles!


Wishbone (Grant won)

 Grant with the turkey leg circa 2010

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Keeping up...

So I'm not going to lie.  Keeping up this blog is not going well.  I have the best intentions to update every other week (I even set an event on my phone so it reminds me every other Thursday).  It just doesn't happen.  I'm busy/lazy and there's so many other ways to share photos and stories with you all.  Regardless I will keep trying.  It's as much for me as anyone else and I am so glad I documented Grant's first year so well.  It has been so helpful to have that info to look at for Parker's sake...when did I start solids, what did he like, when did he start crawling/walking/all that jazz.  Also Grant absolutely loves looking through the hardcover book I made him of all of his first year blog posts.  Poor Parker's book will have about 12 pages!  So let's get on with it...

Things have calmed down a little bit now that the school year is in full swing.  We all have a routine in the mornings and I know what Grant needs when I pick him up (pee, hand wipe, snack).  That's not to say things don't get a little crazy.  They totally do.  And for those of you who have been at my house between 5-6 it is still crazytown.  Also this daylight savings time really threw us for a loop!  Everyone has been getting up earlier and going to sleep earlier.  Plus our park time has been short because it starts getting dark so early.  Here are some pictures (plus the Halloween ones everyone has seen) of the things we have done...

Parker enjoying his food!
 Climbing into everything

 Grant's new scooter (Thanks Gma!)

Learning to stand!

And climb!

The race that Grant is pretty sure he won (he didn't)

Playing games with friends!

 King Kong Parker!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

So where did I leave off...

Exciting things in our house!  First day of school!  6 month dr appt!  First day of gymnastics!  I actually thought that once Grant started school things would get very calm around here (maybe even boring?).  Somehow the opposite has happened...I'm not sure exactly how.  But on the plus side we will be all caught up with Dr appts...until the next round.  We have also done a lot of meeting up with friends (not necessary, but necessary if you know what I mean).  I think once we get into a groove things will calm down, but who knows!  Parker had his 6 month dr appointment this morning and was 15 lbs and 10 oz and 26 inches for those of you interested.  I am also starting a music class with him next week, I hope he likes it.
Here are some pictures of our adventures.

Coffee with Great Gram

Could Grant BE wearing any more clothes?

Picnic time!

Spaghetti block party

First day of school!

Parker's first day of having all the toys

Boys together!

Apple day at Terhune

Friday, August 23, 2013

Six months old!

Well I have certainly been remiss in keeping up with this blog the past 6 weeks...I guess summer got me.  Grant has been out of school and we have had been out of town so often.  Fun times though.  Grant has been accepted to Brandt preschool for the fall which is great news and we are excited for him to start September 9th.  Today is Parker's 6 month birthday!  Very exciting news.  Here are some stats about the little man...
-According to my approximations (dr appt is in a few weeks), Parker weighs around 16 lbs and is 26" long.
-He eats solids 2x a day and enjoys banana/avocado and peas.  He was not a fan of solids at first, but now finishes off 1 oz of puree and 1 tbsp oat cereal at a feeding.
-Still exclusively breastfed.  He hasn't even seen a bottle, so yeah, I'm really hoping I'm not screwed in that department.
-Sleep is going well.  He naps 3x a day at around 8:30, 11:30 and 3.  He goes to sleep around 7:30 and wakes up between 5:30-6:30.
-Rolls like a is his favorite mode of transportation.  I have seen him do some army crawls occasionally to get to something he really wants, but mostly he rolls across the room all day long.  He is also starting to sit up and does so very well when supports.  He can only balance by himself for around 5-10 seconds.  Mostly because he wants to be on the move.  I think this kid is going to be trouble as far as activity goes.
I'd say that's about it, but any other questions are welcome.
Here are some pictures...a lot of pictures!

Grant's first baseball game (Trenton Thunder)

The requisite two boys picture

Reading together

Down the shore

 Snoozing on the beach

First solids (oatmeal)

Playdate with Liliana (Mia's little sister born July 3rd)

Fun times with Uncle Jeff at Gma's

Getting smothered with love from Grant and Caitlin.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More rolling...and a 4 month check up

Apparently my children like to roll over on holidays.  Grant rolled from back to front on Memorial Day and Parker did it for the first time on July 4th.  Unfortunately he also had his first fever this week.  Poor little guy.  It seemed to be pretty mild and short lived, which I am very thankful for.  Yesterday was his four month checkup at the Dr.  He didn't get any shots since he had a fever, but we did get his updated stats.  Parker is 14 lbs, 1 oz and 24.5".  I guess this is pretty average size according to our doctor.  I was impressed since he gained about 3.5 lbs since his last visit (2 months ago).  He's a growing boy!
Here are a few pictures of the little man (and of course the big brother!).

Grant loves when I take selfies!

Can't hold him back these days...he scoots forward a little and mostly around in circles.

Doing a little light reading

Sleeping on his side/belly...Oh, I forgot to mention he is sleeping in his crib like a big boy now.  The boys are doing well sharing the room.