Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

15 weeks...

Today Grant is 15 weeks old. I've kind of stopped counting the weeks and just going by the months, but it's still nice to keep track. Grant has been having quite a week (growth spurt? 4 month wakeful period?). If anyone has any advice about extending his naps past 45 minutes please let me know. He seems to wake right at the 45 minute mark and then because he's still tired he quickly progresses to meltdown crying. It stinks. I've been trying everything to help him get back to sleep...feeding, holding, letting him be in his crib. Nothing really seems to work except excessive walking and rocking. Oh well, babies will be babies. He's still an awesome baby, so no complaints here. I just want him to be happy! In other news, I'm wearing prepregnancy jeans today! Wahoo!! I miss my clothes... still aways to go unfortunately. I snapped some cute pics this week though between crying periods.

Grant enjoying some dancing on Dad...yes his onesie says "vertically challenged".

Are these my feet?

Playing with Pig Gary
Post bath bliss (actually he usually hates this part...I guess no one likes to be wet and cold). Thanks Grandma and Judge for the adorable towel!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More drive by cuteness...

Look at how I can sit up!
Giving my best cute look!
Enjoying this sweater for what is likely the last time...we can barely fit it over my head anymore.
My Don Draper look

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Three Months Old!

Today Grant is 3 months old! I can't believe it. We had a doctor's appt this morning and he's weighing in at 12 lbs, 9 oz, 23" long and 40cm head circumference. He's in the 25% percentile all around. He got two shots, which he took like a champ, he barely even cried. I'm hoping he doesn't have any reactions to them, but we'll see. It's amazing to see the things he can do now. Grant can hold his head up very well, roll over from stomach to back, suck his hand and thumb and bat at toys. He smiles and coos a lot, makes great eye contact and sits up with support. He sleeps in his crib at night and most naps. Last night he went almost 9 hours between feedings. He still doesn't much like taking the bottle, we're still really working on it although we had a week break. I know it's important for him to be able to take it, but it's so stressful for all of us. We also got the go ahead to start rice cereal at 4 months if Grant seems ready. This is a huge step...still a month away though, but I'm excited about it. We had a little photo session yesterday, so I have some cute pics. Who do you think he looks like?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

We had such a nice Easter at my Mom's house with all of our family together. Grant really enjoyed himself. I couldn't have asked for better behavior. This week we have the New Mom's group tomorrow at the hospital and his 3 month well visit at the Dr on Thursday. It looks like the weather is going to hold out, so I'm hoping we'll get in some more walks. It's so nice when the sun cooperates. Here are some new pics from Easter.