Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Water, water everywhere!

Grant and I have been doing our best to keep cool.  Luckily there are a few options in Hoboken, a small "waterpark", the fountain at Pier A and a few pools around.  There's also a dolphin fountain right in the Church square park by our condo.  We took a trip there yesterday with Audra and Eric (Grant's birthday twin).  Audra snapped a few pictures that came out pretty well.  Of course once Grant's swim suit gets wet it looks like he's about to lose it!  Pretty funny.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Big boy!

A few minor milestones to report this week.  Grant is now using his tub like a "big boy", ie without the infant seat.  Since he sits so well on his own we took it out.  Soon he'll be in our regular tub (I guess he could be in there now).  Also he learned how to stick out his tongue.  And boy does he LOVE that.  It seems to be all he wants to do, pretty funny.  I don't know if it feels good on his gums or he just thinks it's funny.  I think it's pretty funny, but I'm trying not to laugh too hard.  It won't be great when he's older.  Grant is also definitely doing a bit of an army crawl when he's not up on hands and knees.  He hasn't quite mastered the traditional crawl yet, but he's definitely getting close to getting all his limbs going together.  In other news, Grant finally met Nicole and Denis, which was great!  I'm so glad they finally got to meet...too bad we won't get to see them for another year!!  We've had quite a busy week, but here are a few pics.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Swim class!

Well, I won't say Grant really enjoyed swim class so much.  He definitely did not like the cool big pool at all.  OR being dunked...  Once we moved to the smaller warm pool he seemed to enjoy himself a bit.  I'm hoping he warms up to this, but we'll see.  He definitely didn't hate it or anything he just wasn't his normal smiley self.  Here are some pics.

Pre swim class
 Big pool!

With his gf Madeline in the small pool!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

Wow...a half year old.  Grant has changed so much since he was born!!  At six months, Grant can sit up unassisted pretty easily.  He gets up on hands and knees and rocks around, scooting forward and backward.  He generally takes three naps a day, but I think he's trying to drop one (which is challenging for both of us!).  He eats "real food" twice a day about 4-5 ounces total a day.  He still breastfeeds twice a day, but has 3 bottles of formula now.  He's a delight to be around most of the time.  Here are the pictures of our photoshoot this morning.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My son, the heartbreaker

First off, I cannot believe that we are a few days away from Grant's six month birthday.  It is absolutely astounding.  I know I keep saying this, but seriously time is flying!  Fourth of July was so much fun at my mom's house, although of course Grant slept through the fireworks.  We did take him to the grandstand in Allendale for some 25c hot dogs and hamburgers.  So funny to be there and not really know many people. Grant is getting better and better at sitting.  It makes him seem so much more like a little boy and not a baby.  Also Eamonn and I heard him say "mama" in his string of syllables the other day.  I'll be doing his six month pictures in a few days, but for now here are a few new ones.

With his friend Madeline...she can't keep her hands off of him!

Sitting in a big boy highchair!! At La Isla in Hoboken for stuffed french toast.

Enjoying usual.