Saturday, January 30, 2010

okay a few more fun pics...couldn't help myself

today at 3 weeks old

here's a good comparison from 1 week old

and a few with his awesome jeans on - thanks Aunt Caitlin

3 weeks old

Today Grant is 3 weeks old! I can't believe it. He's starting to be much more alert and fun, which is awesome. We don't go back to the pediatrician until his 1 month birthday, so I don't have an official weigh-in and length, but I did get on the scale with him yesterday and he was around 7 lbs. My scale only does half pounds, so it is an estimate. I'm interested to really see how much he has grown. Here are some fun pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Grant with Uncle Jeff

Grant sleeping in his crib...short lived of course

Hanging with Dad

Chilling in his rocker

Just waking up

Getting ready for bed!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Bath! Success

Well Grant had his first real bath tonight. He didn't hate it and now he is zonked out in his rocker, so apparently it went over pretty well. We had been giving him a washcloth bath before this, which was fine, but luckily Grandma and Grandpa Haley brought us over a real bath on Sunday. We didn't take any pictures during the bath, but here's a shot of him all wrapped up in his towel. Mmmm he smells like a nice clean baby!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy 1 week birthday Grant!

I actually can't believe it's already been a week since I had Grant. He continues to grow and mature...I'm sure this period is going to fly by and I won't even be able to imagine him this small. Here are a few pictures...note the one where he's screaming, that's at the doctor. He hates being on his back.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 he is

I'm sure all of you have heard, but Grant Joshua Haley was born at 6:08pm on Saturday January 9th, 2010. He was 5 lbs, 8 oz and 18 1/2" long. He's absolutely amazing. We are very overwhelmed and crazed with caring for a newborn, but it's all worth it to hang with him. I can't believe he's actually here. I haven't taken many pictures, what with having my hands full, but I'll be getting some up and also we will be having our newborn photo session at some point. So stay tuned!

Friday, January 8, 2010

my toes are ready for labor and delivery! also please look to the right and notice I am now carrying a who apparently just wants to cuddle up on my left side...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

6 days until full term!

36 weeks and 1 day...less than 4 weeks to go and only 6 days until full term. I'm so excited to be getting close. Eamonn and I had a busy long weekend getting the last few items on our list. We now have a car seat (so we can officially bring the baby home from the hospital) and a pack and play where he will probably sleep for the first couple of weeks. Also everything I've received that's either newborn or 0-3m size is washed, folded and put away in the baby's dresser. Not too much has changed in the past week. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then every week until the baby arrives. I've almost met all of the doctor's in the practice at this point, so hopefully I can get back to my doctor. Though I guess it's not very likely that she'll be there when I deliver, I still like her the best.
Anyways here is the survey
How far along? 36 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Everything...and I'm so sick of it. I'm basically comfortable in a few outfits and I just keep wearing them.
Sleep: It's still pretty uncomfortable...but manageable
Best moment this week: getting my list done
Movement: yes, lots, though it's less kicking and more shoving of body parts if that makes sense. He's getting a little crammed in there.
Gender: boy...
Labor Signs: some Braxton Hicks and crampiness, but nothing regular.
Belly Button in or out? still flat, but with pieces sticking out.
What I miss: sleeping through the night...guess that's not happening anytime soon.
What I am looking forward to: the little nipper making his arrival and of course the "release" of the name :)
Weekly Wisdom: don't use Dr. Google, he's evil
Milestones: 4 weeks left...1 weeks to full term