Tuesday, January 5, 2010

6 days until full term!

36 weeks and 1 day...less than 4 weeks to go and only 6 days until full term. I'm so excited to be getting close. Eamonn and I had a busy long weekend getting the last few items on our list. We now have a car seat (so we can officially bring the baby home from the hospital) and a pack and play where he will probably sleep for the first couple of weeks. Also everything I've received that's either newborn or 0-3m size is washed, folded and put away in the baby's dresser. Not too much has changed in the past week. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then every week until the baby arrives. I've almost met all of the doctor's in the practice at this point, so hopefully I can get back to my doctor. Though I guess it's not very likely that she'll be there when I deliver, I still like her the best.
Anyways here is the survey
How far along? 36 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Everything...and I'm so sick of it. I'm basically comfortable in a few outfits and I just keep wearing them.
Sleep: It's still pretty uncomfortable...but manageable
Best moment this week: getting my list done
Movement: yes, lots, though it's less kicking and more shoving of body parts if that makes sense. He's getting a little crammed in there.
Gender: boy...
Labor Signs: some Braxton Hicks and crampiness, but nothing regular.
Belly Button in or out? still flat, but with pieces sticking out.
What I miss: sleeping through the night...guess that's not happening anytime soon.
What I am looking forward to: the little nipper making his arrival and of course the "release" of the name :)
Weekly Wisdom: don't use Dr. Google, he's evil
Milestones: 4 weeks left...1 weeks to full term

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