Saturday, January 29, 2011

First Haircut!

So we did give Grant a little trim a month or two ago, but his hair has gotten completely out of control.  It's long and mullet-y.  Or I should say was.  Today we decided to bite the bullet and get him a real haircut.  We got a recommendation from one of his friends and took him to a very nice woman in Hoboken.  I held him on my lap and boom, his babyhood disappeared.  I'm actually a little bit sad because now he really looks like a little boy.  A very cute little boy, but my baby has grown up.  Tear.
Anyways, we documented the before, during and after.  Enjoy the pictures.

Before shots...


All done!  I think he looks a lot more like Eamonn now too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1 year Dr Appointment Update

Just a quick update to let everyone know that Grant had his 1 year appointment at the doctor today.  He's doing great (although he actually has a cold right now) and is now 21 lbs, 4 oz and 29.5" tall.  He actually made it up to the 50% percentile in height!  My big boy!!  He got a few shots and a test for tuberculosis and lead and we were on our way.  He's been drinking milk during the day now and only has 2 bottles (morning and night).  He's cleared to eat anything (although I guess I slipped when I gave him peanut butter a couple weeks ago...was supposed to wait until 1 year.  oops), unless of course it's a choking hazard .  He's doing well with his motor skills (as most of you have seen) walking all over the place and everywhere.  He's also figured out how to just get up instead of crawling over to the couch and leaning on it to get up.  Now he just kneels and gets up to stand.  Crazy.

As far as pictures go I haven't taken many.  I think Eamonn might have a better one of Grant at Eataly, which we visited on Saturday, but I do have this one of G's first trip on the PATH.  He seemed to like it okay.

I also have this video of him at the open gym in Hoboken.  There's a community center a couple blocks away that opens up one of the gymnasiums on Fridays in the winter.  Last week was our first week going as I thought Grant might be too young.  He totally proved me wrong and was walking all over the place.  He loved it!  And I love any opportunity to get out of the house.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1 year old!

Grant is 1 year old.  Wow!  This year has flown by.  I know everyone says that, but it's so true.  He went from being a tiny little 5 1/2 lb peanut to a big boy who walks and babbles and gives hugs.  Crazy!
I took his 12 month pictures before the party, so here are those...
It's pretty hard to get him to sit still at all.  Most of these were on the fly or as he was walking away from me.

 Nice pose G Man

Then we had a fun party to celebrate the day (at least I hope it was fun).  Here are some pictures from the party..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year (7 days late...)

So I have a very good reason that there have been no blog posts.  Grant went from taking a few steps to walking down the hall, into the bathroom and trying to climb in the tub.  Or into his room and shutting the door.  Or into the kitchen and opening all the cabinets and trying to get in.  And he's fast.  Very fast.  Also I have virtually no pictures...
Oh well.  I am working on my sprints, so hopefully I'll be back with more fun updates (and a birthday recap) in a few days :).