Today Grant is 3 months old! I can't believe it. We had a doctor's appt this morning and he's weighing in at 12 lbs, 9 oz, 23" long and 40cm head circumference. He's in the 25% percentile all around. He got two shots, which he took like a champ, he barely even cried. I'm hoping he doesn't have any reactions to them, but we'll see. It's amazing to see the things he can do now. Grant can hold his head up very well, roll over from stomach to back, suck his hand and thumb and bat at toys. He smiles and coos a lot, makes great eye contact and sits up with support. He sleeps in his crib at night and most naps. Last night he went almost 9 hours between feedings. He still doesn't much like taking the bottle, we're still really working on it although we had a week break. I know it's important for him to be able to take it, but it's so stressful for all of us. We also got the go ahead to start rice cereal at 4 months if Grant seems ready. This is a huge step...still a month away though, but I'm excited about it. We had a little photo session yesterday, so I have some cute pics. Who do you think he looks like?
Hello world!
1 year ago
I think he looks like both of you together. Sometimes I really see Eammon and sometimes I really see you!
ReplyDeleteI think he has your eyes, your Dad's chin and Eamonn's nose and mouth. Great new pictures! Thanks for the update on Grant's doctor's visit.