Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rolling, rolling, rolling

We had such a fun weekend down the shore with my Mom. Grant picked up a new trick while we were down there and now rolls from his back to his stomach. Unlike when he started rolling from tummy to back which only happens sporadically, he loves rolling from back to stomach. Pretty much whenever you put him on his back he rolls right over and starts scooting somewhere. I'm in trouble! The kid knows what he wants and how to get it. The weather was beautiful and we all had a relaxing time. Grant visited the beach shortly, but it was a little too hot and sunny to hang out for him. He did however enjoy hanging out on the porch in the shade. We also went to Pete and Elda's for a pizza challenge for Eamonn and Jeff. Two XXL pizza's and two tshirts later, the challenge was complete. All in all lots of fun. Here are some pics.

Getting wet...feet in the freezing water
Before the pizza
Later that night


  1. Love the picture at the beach!
    Looks like Eamonn and Jeff enjoyed the pizza!
    Grant's sunglasses are adorable!

  2. The first picture is definitely a framer!

    I know I keep saying this, but I can't wait to meet Grant. It is kind of crazy to observe his personality develop through pictures and stories online--it is time to see it in person!

    Looks like you are doing an amazing job!

  3. The 2nd to last picture is now my phone background. I LOVE that face he's making.

  4. Yeah, I love the face in that picture too... any also the awesome phillies bib!
