I can't believe Grant is two months old already! It's crazy how time is flying. We had a really great weekend with Grant. He's really starting to smile more and be a lot more active. No rolling over yet...it seems like he's on the brink of it, but we'll see I guess. We enjoyed Saturday out of town at my mom's house to avoid the drunken mess that Hoboken turns into. It was a beautiful day and Grant had a nice long walk in the suburbs. Not too much else to report...we are debating trying to bring him out to dinner for Eamonn's bday on Tuesday. He's really usually a good sport, but when he's not, it's not too fun. I guess we'll wait and see. Also he has his two month dr appt on Wednesday, so I'll have his new weight/length/head circumference to share. He's so much bigger than 1 month, crazy! Unfortunately he'll also be having a few shots, but oh well. I think that's about it. Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Love the new 2 month old pictures. I can't believe how much bigger he is. We can't wait for him to come to our house this weekend! I'm looking at the time you posted this. Was it really 4:59am?
ReplyDeleteNow I'm looking at my comment, and it says 5:36am, when it's really 8:36am.
ReplyDeleteMY NEPHEW IS HUUUUGE! and awesome. Can't wait to see him this weekend!
ReplyDeleteoh yeah the time is messed up...i'll see if i can fix it! Cait - yes, he's getting to be a bit of a chunker.
ReplyDeletehe's so coooool!