Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 weeks old!

The Grant-man is 6 weeks old (and 3 days actually). He's really enjoying tummy time more and more lately and I swear he's getting ready to roll over. He swings his legs and gets up on one side pretty often. I'm very impressed. He also officially fits in all his 0-3 month clothes, which is very fun for me because I get to get him dressed. Grant and I have had a good week so far, with a lunch date on Monday with Shayna and Jake and then a play date today with Nancy and Thomas. He's very good at making friends :). Here are some new pics.

Fun monkey outfit...getting ready for action

Pulling up....

Hi Mom!!


  1. Yea! He's swinging his legs cuz he's trying to hone his kicker skills already.

  2. He sure is strong for a little guy. We have some video of him lifting his head up and almost turning himself over!

  3. LOVE that last picture. Can't wait to see him again!
