Tuesday, February 9, 2010

1 month old!

Today is Grant's 1 month birthday. He had a doctor's appointment today and we have an 8 pounder on our hands...very exciting stuff! His official stats are 8 lbs even, 19.5" long and 36cm head circumference. We had a good well visit and he got his hepatitis vaccine, but took it like a champ. Well done, I'm so proud. I got some shots of him with his 1 month sticker on, plus a rare shot of the two of us (I basically have none of us together).


  1. woah, he's a big guy! You're doing a great job!

  2. Ahh, I can't wait to see him . . . He's going to be huge by then, a monster : )

    You are both looking great! Yeah, Mommy!

  3. I love that pic of the two of you. Does that onesie have an interchangeable number thingy? If so that's pretty neat.

  4. btw...he looks exactly like Eamonn in the last picture

  5. thanks guys! Mon - it's just stickers and we put them on a onesie for the picture
    Al - i'm holding to the fact that he has my eyes...but definitely Eamonn's nose.
