Wednesday, December 16, 2009

33 weeks

The weeks do seem to be flying by at this point. I can't believe only 7 weeks left. Full term is at 37 weeks, so it could be as little as 4 before the little nipper makes his debut. We'll see. I can't believe Christmas is next week already! My birthday was great and we had so much fun at Kiku. I'll see if I can get a few pictures up from the night, it was very low key, but festive. Fun times. Eamonn and I went out on my actual birthday as well and had a great meal at the 340 Grill. So I've been pretty celebrated already. So far 30 feels good. We got a new rug for the baby's room, so I've added a picture. It's pretty much done at this point...we need another wall decoration and I need to get his pillows done but that's about it. It's ready and so am I. I am so thankful to still be feeling good, but the anticipation is a little stressful.
Here is the survey
How far along? 33 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Everything...and I'm so sick of it.
Sleep: Actually getting a little bit better...either my hips are getting used to the pain or I'm just so tired it doesn't matter anymore.
Best moment this week: All my birthday celebrations...I'm pretty sure the little nipper would agree, he seemed to enjoy himself.
Movement: yes, lots, though it's less kicking and more shoving of body parts if that makes sense. He's getting a little crammed in there.
Gender: boy...
Labor Signs: nothing at this point, thankfully!
Belly Button in or out? still flat
What I miss: celebratory drinks...
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!
Weekly Wisdom: don't use Dr. Google, he's evil
Milestones: 7 weeks left

1 comment:

  1. oooo I like the rug. I had to schedule a post-December trip for school and I made sure it would not be end of January / beginning of February....just in case. I don't want to miss the Nipper's arrival!
