Wednesday, December 30, 2009

35 weeks!

Okay, I've been bad...sorry for the lack of updates. Last week was crazy busy and then I had my shower on Sunday. It was such a great day. Everything was absolutely perfect and the little guy will certainly be outfitted (and traveling) in style for months to come. Here are a few selected pictures

Thank you everyone, but especially to my Mom and Mom Haley...I loved it so much!!
Here is the survey
How far along? 35 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Everything...and I'm so sick of it.
Sleep: Still uncomfortable, still exhausted, but lately I wake up at like 3 am and make lists in my head of all the things I still need to do...not the best
Best moment this week: My shower
Movement: yes, lots, though it's less kicking and more shoving of body parts if that makes sense. He's getting a little crammed in there.
Gender: boy...
Labor Signs: some Braxton Hicks...lots of exhaustion.
Belly Button in or out? still flat, but with pieces sticking out.
What I miss: celebratory drinks...
What I am looking forward to: the little nipper making his arrival and of course the "release" of the name :)
Weekly Wisdom: don't use Dr. Google, he's evil
Milestones: 5 weeks left...2 weeks to full term

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you loved your baby shower. Your mom and I certainly enjoyed giving it for you!
