Saturday, October 9, 2010

9 months old!

Today is Grant's 9 month birthday.  To celebrate he showed us that he can stand, unassisted, for around 4-5 seconds.  He's been doing a second or two here or there, but now he's definitely finding his balance.  I'm sure it won't be long before he figures out he doesn't need my hands to take a step or two.  My guess is he'll be walking in the next month.  I guess we'll see.  I had Eamonn to help with the pictures this month, so I think we got a few good ones.  As far as his stats, he doesn't have a dr visit until 1 year, so no official 9 month info.  However, he got his flu shot on Monday and he was 18 pounds, 14 oz and 27.5".

According to our doctor we can start decreasing his formula a little, which I'm hoping might make him a little less picky with his solids.  He used to eat anything and everything we put in front of him, but now, not so much.  He's very fickle with purees...eating a ton of something at one meal and then clamping his mouth shut at the next.  It's a little frustrating for me because it's hard to know what to prepare.  I hate wasting food, but I also want to have enough to keep him happy if he is hungry.  Basically at this point I'm working on keeping the fridge/cabinets stocked with enough choices to give him quickly.  It's challenging, but at least it's a fun culinary challenge.  Today for lunch Grant had cannelini beans and zucchini, a combination I thought might be tasty.  He seemed to agree.  Tomorrow I'm planning on making pancakes with applesauce, in an attempt to get some fruit into him.  He does much better with things he can pick up himself.  Wish me luck!

Without further are the pictures.


  1. The kid has great taste in movies

  2. haha : ) I can't get over the cute!!!

  3. He looks so grown up in these pictures! What happened to our little baby? He is adorable!

  4. his teeth are gleaming in that first picture :)
