Thursday, December 9, 2010

11 months old!

So I don't have Grant's 11 month pictures today.  He wasn't feeling well and I didn't want to get him all dressed and then have no good pictures.  Instead I will leave you with lots of other fun pictures (Grant meeting Santa, getting suited up for the weather, etc).  As an update, Grant is definitely walking steps here and there and as many as 6 or 7 in a row.  It's pretty cool to watch him figure out that he can get around.  He also no longer really cares about his toys and only wants things he can pull out of the cabinets (ie tupperware).  I can't believe my baby is going to be 1 in a month.  Crazy, crazy stuff.
Here are the pics...


  1. I'm so proud of Grant for not crying when he met Santa. And Eamonn and Grant look awesome with their matching phones on the couch (although Grant's technology is a bit ahead of Eamonn's)

  2. Did Grant ask Santa for some Tupperware for Christmas?

  3. That picture of him with Santa is classic. He looks like "Are you Kidding me? Who is this guy???" Love it!

  4. The Santa pictures are great--love them : )
