Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What we've been up to...

So Grant and I have been enjoying lots of birthday parties (due to the fact that all his friends are right around his age), lots of lunches out and playing during open gym on Fridays.  We've tried our best to get out a lot since sitting inside all day makes us both crazy.  The weather has been trying to conspire against us, but luckily our stroller is great in the snow.  It can power through small drifts and is not too heavy to lift over bigger ones.  Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!  Here are a few pics of our adventures from the past few weeks.

Evan's birthday!


LL Cool Grant

First PB&J

Lunch after Open Gym at Leo's Grandevous (with Mia!)

First Valentine!  (from Caitlin)

Just a good picture of Grant and Dad


  1. Love the "LL Cool Grant" description!

  2. haha, I second what Eamonn said. And in the first picture Grant looks so happy despite being surrounded by all of that snow. Glad to hear you guys are still out and about regardless of what Mother Nature has to say!

  3. Glad you like the stroller! He's already getting Valentines? What a ladies' man!

  4. Glad you are able to get out! Have fun : )

  5. I guess we're all ready for spring! Good for you getting outside regardless...keeps the sanity!
    OMG - dining plan is the best! Don't worry, there will be PLENTY of food leftover for little Grant! And he eats off your plate at every buffet for free. Great deal!
    Where are you staying? LOVE disney! :)
