Sunday, December 18, 2011

Catching up!

So yeah, I'm officially a bad blogger.  I apologize for my lack of posts regarding a big trip, a big holiday, and the (probably) biggest holiday prep.  But here I am!  I'm going to try and get it all done this week before Christmas, so I can be all caught up.  Starting with Disney!

This year instead of the traditional Thanksgiving with turkey and cold weather, we decided to do something different.  We headed to Disney World on Thanksgiving day with most of the regulars around the table (my mom and brother, Eamonn's parents and two sisters).  It was such an amazing trip and so great that we were able to all spend it together.  I know it's cheesy, but Disney is a magical place.  It really is.  The cleanliness, organization and ease is so appealing that I can't wait to go back.  I really thought we'd wait like 5-10 years or so before our next trip, but now I don't think I can wait that long.  Also it wouldn't have been nearly as easy a trip without my Mom willing to take Grant when the rest of us were riding the "big kid" rides. Grant was not so much into the rides and besides wasn't tall enough to go on most of them, he didn't seem to mind.  Anyway, on to the pictures.  Grant really enjoyed this trip and LOVED meeting Mickey and all the other characters.  As soon as we stepped into the Magic Kingdom he pointed out Mickeys everywhere.  In the parade, in the shows....and THEN in real life.  Magic, I tell you!

Next post...gingerbread houses!


  1. It really was magical. The best part was seeing Grant's face when he realized he was in the place where Mickey lived.

  2. The picture of Grant with his head stuffed in the shelf of Mickies is probably my favorite!
