Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gingerbread houses

On Saturday, we made gingerbread houses with Mia and her mommy.  We had first discussed this idea back in October while pumpkin picking, and I am excited that we made it happen.  I can't recall the last time I made a gingerbread house, but I was pumped to put my all memories into action.  I started with orange juice cartons...we used to use a milk carton, but these were approximately the right size.  Added pre-cut graham crackers and boom.  Houses!

Katie and Mia brought some fun candy to add to our stash and the two went to work.  I'd say most of the candy went into their mouths, but that's about what I expected.  Grant ended up with red hands due to all the red sprinkles!

 The finished product.

And then a photo op by the tree!  Don't they look proud of their work?

 Maybe one more taste!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the gingerbread houses and can't believe that Christmas has already come and gone! Looking forward to doing it again next year.
