Friday, September 10, 2010

8 months old!

Grant turned 8 months old yesterday.  That sounds so much closer to a year than 7 months old.  This month has brought lots of new changes...much faster crawling and better mobility along with pulling himself up to standing.  He is all over the place.  Which is very tiring!  But it's great.  He has so much personality these days...he certainly knows what he wants and doesn't want.  It was very difficult for me to get him to sit still and look at the camera at all for the this photo shoot.  Kind of a bummer.  I'm not sure I got any great photos, but I got a few at least.

 Tippy toes!

First day of Romparoo!


  1. The one where he is looking over his shoulder...TROUBLE! How has the baby jail been working out? Grant's too beastly to be caged :)

  2. Oh he's trouble alright. Just when I think I've moved everything out of reach his reach gets longer. Alas - he doesn't enjoy being in the jail (who would), unless I'm in there with him. Which of course defeats the purpose...oh well.
