Thursday, September 2, 2010

What we've been doing...

Grant has become so much more mobile the past week.  I really can't set him down anywhere without him either following me or getting into some trouble.  Over the weekend we bought a "baby jail" of those superyard things that has flexible walls that you can move however you like it.  Grant is not the hugest fan. He's ok when we're in there together, but as I walked away to get his bottle ready, I saw this peeking back at me...
Adorable yes, but trouble, DEFINITELY.  He's pretty smart.

Grant also learned how to pull himself up to standing.  He loves to practice this.  Unfortunately he doesn't realize that some things are not so sturdy (ie a pile of blankets).  Again this is definitely keeping my hands full.  I got some action shots of him doing his thing.

The approach

kneeling and grabbing on




Anyways, we've been doing some necessary baby proofing around here, so we don't have any more of these situations...cords are so yummy, apparently.

And this weekend we're moving the crib all the way down to the lowest setting.  My little baby is growing up.  Seems like he'll be walking in no time.  I can't believe it's already September!!


  1. This may have been my favorite post yet! Love the frame by frame of him pulling himself up. He's so proud of what he can do.

  2. Love this post Laura. Grant seems so proud of himself. He should be, he's super smart. You're really gonna have your hands full now, though.

  3. OMG -- this is great! It was well worth the wait. I keep looking every day for a new post. I was having Grant withdrawal! It's funny how he figured out how to get out of his "baby jail". I can't believe how he can pull himself up to standing -- I think he's a genius!

  4. He is pretty amazing. He got his library card today so he can go to storytime inside the library now that summer is over. What a big boy! So funny! They loved him at the library.

  5. Haha : ) Such satisfaction! Love that is is so clear on his face!
