28 weeks down, 12 to go. Not too much has changed this week. I had my monthly dr appointment yesterday and did the dreaded gestational diabetes test. It really wasn't too bad. You have to drink this sugary sweet stuff and then wait an hour for a blood draw. Thankfully the doctor called this morning and my results were great, so no diabetes for me. Also I now go to the doctor every two weeks instead of four and I meet the other doctors in the practice since any one could be at the hospital when I deliver. Hopefully they'll be as nice as Bonnie...I've heard good things, so I'm not too worried. Eamonn and I already took a tour of the hospital a while ago and I'm really pleased with how everything is set up and their philosophies.
Anyways here is the survey for this week!
How far along? 28 weeks.
Maternity clothes? all pants, some shirts, although some of my regular sweaters and things still fit...I'm probably stretching them out, but oh well. I hate maternity clothes and miss my own so much!!
Sleep: I love it. The pee breaks are a bit much though.
Best moment this week: Passing the diabetes test...I wasn't too worried, but I definitely want to enjoy the holiday food.
Movement: Definitely, sometimes it's so hard it hurts a little, but that's okay, he's just getting strong.
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? Holding strong at still in, but pretty flat. Go belly button!
What I miss: my clothes
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done
Weekly Wisdom: Hmm, don't really have one. I guess just relax is good for all weeks for me!
Milestones: Third trimester baby!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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