Monday, November 30, 2009

Ding Dong the TV is gone!

Well yesterday we sold the tv. So everything is out of the baby's room and furniture is in. Very exciting stuff. Eamonn also hung the pictures and they look great! We still have some decorating to do, but things are really moving along. I missed the 30 week update, but I'm just going to skip to 31 weeks. Only 9 left to go. We had such an amazing Thanksgiving with everyone and a great relaxing weekend. December is a busy busy month, so I'm sure it will fly by.
Here is the survey
How far along? 31 weeks.
Maternity clothes? all pants, some shirts, although some of my regular sweaters and things still fit...I'm probably stretching them out, but oh well. I hate maternity clothes and miss my own so much!!
Sleep: I love it, if only it was more comfortable. Sometimes I wake up and the little nipper is jamming in there. It feels like he's jumping up and down.
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving, definitely. I have so much to be thankful for this year (and every year really).
Movement: It's painful, often. I'm always happy to feel it, but he's getting so strong that makes me a little seasick!
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? Still in...I don't know, maybe it won't pop out till the end. It's definitely weird to look at.
What I miss: my clothes
What I am looking forward to: the holiday season
Weekly Wisdom: Relax!
Milestones: Only 9 weeks left!


  1. Nice! I'm impressed you sold the TV and got it out of there so quickly.

  2. Of course I can thank Eamonn for that. The poor guy carried it down the stairs into someone's waiting car. He's a trooper.

  3. I remember how weird my belly button looked. It did't pop but it was just completely flat. It was so strange!

  4. The pictures look really cute on the wall!
