Only 11 weeks to go! Nothing too exciting has been happening pregnancy wise this week. We had a great weekend celebrating birthdays with everyone which was great! I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already. Time does seem to be flying. Also Eamonn and I have our maternity photos on Saturday, so hopefully I'll have some nice pictures to share next week.
Here is the survey
How far along? 29 weeks.
Maternity clothes? all pants, some shirts, although some of my regular sweaters and things still fit...I'm probably stretching them out, but oh well. I hate maternity clothes and miss my own so much!!
Sleep: I love it!
Best moment this week: Enjoying the little guy rocking out to the music at the Nets game. Apparently this kid likes Jock Jams
Movement: Definitely, sometimes it's so hard it hurts a little, but that's okay, he's just getting strong.
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? Still in...I don't know, maybe it won't pop out till the end. It's definitely weird to look at.
What I miss: my clothes
What I am looking forward to: Getting our furniture.
Weekly Wisdom: Relax!
Milestones: Almost single digit weeks left...not quite
Also I added a widget for the fruit/vegetable thing in the margin from the you can see we've moved on to squash size (appropriate for the season I think).
Hello world!
1 year ago
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